Thursday, November 12, 2009

Harley's New Trick...

...Or, Why Nobuddy Sleeps Well Anymore

Harley likes to sit in the high windows above the bed to look for birds. But a very Bad Thing has happened. Harley learned how to walk on the canopy rails!
I used to walk on the canopy, too. Then one day, I got too close to the ceiling fan and it FLUNG me off. I am too scairted to go up there any more.
Harley does not have good balance...
And the railings make a creaky noise when he is up there because he is much bigger than me.
When he is done, sometimes he just flings himself down onto the bed.
In the middle of the night, we can hear him walking around up there. His favorite time for walking the rails is about 4:00 am. I am scairted he might land on my HEAD one day!


92 Notes for Daisy:

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Oh my!! Harley!!!
It's scary.. woahh.. don't you afraid???
Lucky there are cozy bed in case you want to land.

Alexia & Lolo

Teddy Westlife said...

I would be scared of Harley landing on my head too. I don't think my mum would let me do something like that, she says I am not graceful, whatever that means.

Milo and Alfie said...

OMC! Harley you iz norty! We can't believe yoo are not scairt! We suspect yoor beans are scairt ~ and Daisy is scairt too. And even we're scairt that yoo might hurt yoorself.
Do yoo think yoo should consider getting a parachute?

Bae Bae said...

Woh Harley sure is brave up there.
He looks like he can fly~

~ Bae

Unknown said...

wow Harley, be careful, at least you have a soft landing on the bed! you little daredevil!

Forever Foster said...

Harley, you are a very creative pain in the butt:)

The WriggleButts said...

Uh-oh.. That makes us a little scairt too, Harley! I am the clumsiest kitty out there and would fall of that thing constantly.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Acrobat Harley! And he has figured out there is a trampoline below.... Better be careful, Daisy!

Jenn said...


Oi! What is it with boy cats and climbing? My big Maine Coon named Alphonse does the same thing.

Kathy said...

Ruh-roh. Maybe Harley would prefer a DVD of birdies he can watch on TV. ON. THE. FLOOR.

Sara Katt said...

Oh Harley! Oh my! What amazing acrobats you and Daisy are!
My Mamma-Cajsa used to climb up and walk on the ceiling rafters up in the attic of where we lived before. (I never did this, because she did this when my brothers and sister were still in her tummy!)
Our Mommie was worried, but understood that Norwegian Forest Cats do this sort of thing. We're climbers. And we land on all fours too!
Wish we had Mamma-Cajsa's performance on film.

Great post Daisy!

Sara Cat

Sara Katt said...

I was still in her tummy too. We weren't born yet.
Sara Cat

Spunky Doodle said...

Wow, Harley, that looks like so much fun and I agree with you, the best time for that would be around 4 a.m.! That is SO cool! I wish Karen and Gerard had a bed with rails like that for me. Have fun!

Poppy Q said...

Be careful Mr Harley. Maybes your mom needs to get a water pistol, and give you a squirt if you climb up there in the middle of the night.

I don't even jump up on benches, the beds are high enough for me.

Freya's Staff said...

I'd be worried he'd land on my head too!

Parker said...

Yikes! Harley is quite the Daredevil!

Anonymous said...

aha that is so funny Miss daisy a cause I am just the same.. Momma and dadda get very scared-ed when I is running their bed rails acuse I just jump wherever I can and sometimes I even fall and hang onto the rails for dear lifes!
They do not worry with Mushka though.. just mes :(

marg said...

Oh Daisy, I am glad you didn't get hurt by the fan. That must have really been scary. And I guess Harley wouldn't listen when you told him about that. All the boy cats like to climb way up on things here. One goes up on our roof.

Angel Simba said...

What an acrobat Harley is! It must be unsettling to be the humans dleeping in the bed, though!

Forty Paws said...

Oh that silly Harley!

Luf, Us

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley! Be careful! You are not too big for that scary fan to fling off those canopy rails!

Unknown said...

Daisy, I know just what you mean. My babies, Seymour and Coco, don't nearly have anything that high to walk on but they love to start running around like wild cats between 3am and 430am. Weird hours!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! Harley is quite the daredevil!

Chrissie said...

Whoa! That looks like a lot of fun, Harley. You get to walk around at great heights AND have a nice, cushy landing. It's tailor made for an intrepid fellow like you!

Your mommie and daddie could wear helmets to bed.

Anonymous said...

Good thing there is a nice soft bed for Harley to fall into - and yup I expect that IS scary.

Cindy said...

That's to high for us!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We bet your mom is scared that Harley will land on her head too! We laughed at the photo where Harley is balancing with his legs all different ways. Looks like he wants to be a circus cat like you Daisy.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I couldn't get up there in the first place. Guess it has something to do with my cobby body, whatever that means. Good thing there is a cozy bed to land on.

Rich Sands said...

What great pictures! Harley needs to be Spiderman next Halloween!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think that looks like fun but we think its scairty too!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Meezers or Billy said...

uh oh Harley! what you need is velcro on the top of the rails and then velcro booties so that you won't fall off!

CCL Wendy said...

Those are some great action shots! Harley's balance must be decent enough since he doesn't seem to fall off by mistake.

He's a regular acroCAT! That's what I call Dylan who likes to balance on top of our bannister.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We thinks Harley is very brave, buts we would be worried about him falling on us too. And being flung off by a ceiling fan sounds very scary. ~S,S,C & F

i beati said...

must be a startling wake up call

Percy the Cat said...

My sisters would be scairt to go up on rails like that, but I would like to. Our mum doesn't have any canopy rails though. (and I think I am too big for them anyway.)

Hopefully Harley doesn't land on anyone!!

Split Rock Ranch said...

Wow Harley, I hope if you ever DO fall off that you land on the bed and not the floor! Try not to land on Miss Daisy, too.

One Cats Nip said...

Working on your balance Harvey??

Dma said...

i'm with you. i don't think i'd want an unsteady harley walking above my head at 4 a.m. in the morning either.

The Whiskeratti said...

That is a really cool action shot of Harley jumping down. (But we really hope he doesn't land on anyone's head. Especially yours, since it's the smallest).

Meghann said...

Where is that clown costume when you need it? Play some circus music and record it :)
I can't imagine hearing that creaking at 4AM, that would scare me! And then it would annoy me, lol.
I hope you stay safe when you are up there Harley, it can be dangerous....

Puppy on a Roomba said...

I wish I could gets that high up! But I'm just a little dog with no tail, so I don't climb very well. My Mommy had a kitty once who used to climb the curtains and walk on the curtain rods, usually at about 4:30 am.

Unknown said...

Wow, Harley you have great tightrope walking skills -- you're the man! I know how you feel Daisy one mishap and you never go back again.

Cory said...

Harley...silly kitty! That does look like a ton of fun!

Clarissa said...

OMC! Harley is very brave!!! I used to do the same thing on mom's canopy bed when I was little. I never fell off, but mom would get me down whenever she caught me up there!I'm 9 years old now and don't climb that high anymore. Mom caught Jazzpurr on top of the curtain rod one night (before Jazz got too fat to climb the drapes!) Have you guys ever done that?

Clarissa (& Co.)

Anonymous said...

Wow Harley is such a daredevil to be up that high. I would be scairt too!

Ariel said...

"Harley" that's very high.I'm very worried you will get hurt.Yet I must say your very brave.

Surfie said...

Harley should join the circus! And Daisy, you can be his AGENT!

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy,
Can you spell double sided sticky tape?
Marian in Houston

The Furry Kids said...

Oh Harley! That sort of looks like fun. Except for the ceiling fan part. I wish we had a canopy bed at our house!

Anonymous said...

Be carefurl Harley! You may fall or your mom may make you join the circus!

Anonymous said...

Darn those birds, you can't blame Harley for wanting to get a bird's eye view!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh that Harley! We are glad there is a nice big bed under the rails. We are really glad you do not get up there anymore! It looks scary.

Happy Thursday!
~ Malachi and Napoleon

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

OH NO! this is very scairtey! be careful and sleep with one eye open daisy!

Raymond and Busby said...

Look out below!

Harley, you are awesome. We wouldn't want to be on the bed when you make your leap, but we would sure like to have a bed like that to climb on.

Purrs, Busby and Raymond

Patrice said...

Very impressive Harley! I wouldn't be able to sleep below either...

Janet said...

Oh, my goodness! That is indeed a scary trick! Your mommie got some really good pictures, though! lol

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

O, Harley! Dat lookz likz funz! OK? Butz itz be not nice to be hitz by fan! Dat notz be funz. OK?

Puglette said...

wow! that would be scary!! harley is a big boy and he could really squash someone!
take care up there, harley!!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, what a grate place to asplore an be UP HIGH! Bonnie tried to pounce a ceilin fan once. It's level wif the half-wall above da stairs. She was starin at dat fan, then Mom herd a cat landin hard from a jump, an Bonnie came up frum unner da fan (da landin), shooked her head, an nefur paid no tention to dat fan again. Teh end.
Harley, can I bisit an go up der too sumtime?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Harley! NO NO
That could be dangerous.
ceiling fans can make you really hurtie!!

Daisy, I am glad that you stopped. I really hope that Harley will stop too
hmmm now you will have to think of some kind of solution for this tricky situation... and by tricky, I don't mean "cool neat-o situation".

totally unrelated, when Christabelle was a little girl she had a canopy bed. One morning mom went into her room and found the canopy completely crushed. She could not figure out what happened, then she saw Mr. Jumpy Caesar prancing around looking all happy and guilty and the same time...
Well, that was it for the canopy for a few years.


Liss said...

Silly Harley. Poor Daisy.

Francesca said...

That's AWESOME! What skill! Harley would do well in the Cat Circus I posted on my blog, Paw de Chat... I'm impressed!

Lin said...

Oh gees! I'm hoping he doesn't fall on all of you while you are sleeping. Harley is goofy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh noooooo...Sadie does dat wif da window perch, she jumps off right on mom in da middle of da night. Maybe when yoo hear Harley walking around up der it might be a good time to go get a drink of water or something so he doesn't land on yoo! Bet yoor mom and dad love dat too...

Amy & the house of cats said...

Ok Harley we see you are brave, now please stop with the crazy acrobatics! I really hope you don't fall or get flung like Daisy did. Be careful!

Max said...

Don't worry Daisy. Chances are he'll land on a people, anyway...

Ann said...

Oh my Harley, You are awful brave to be doing that. Did you by chance used to do a circus act walking a high wire?

BeadedTail said...

Harley, it's great you learned a new trick but we wish it wasn't so high in the air. We'd be scairt!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my mum was scared that you would fall, you are so high up there.. HUgs GJ xx

Lisa Kolosey said...

The word YIKES comes to mind.

And I thought walking on top of doors was scary.

~Lisa Co9T

The Crew said...

Oh my cats!!! Harley, get down from there immediately!

Rebecca said...

That looks like so much fun!! No falling on the mommeh and daddah though, OK?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

harley could join the circus!!! he looks like he is pretty good at that rail walking stuff! i hope he doesn't get flung!

smiles, auntie bee

brokenteepee said...

Daisy, I have to admit I laughed a little when you said the ceiling fan flung you off.

I'm sorry.

I'm still laughing though

I'm sorry

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, it was only a matter of time before he discovered the rails!
How can a kitta kat not have good balance?
4 am is when Scout likes to cause trouble too.


Daisy did you say Harley DOESN'T have good balance?

*whoa dude*


Donna said...

Pls to be careful, Harley! :) Come back to the ground. That's where the treats are.

Buggys said...

Nice bed. i really like it. i always wanted a poster bed!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hmmmmmmmm!! No wonder his balance is off!!! Walking around in the dark at all hours of the night ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh wow! That is a crazy place to hang out, Harley. Please be careful up there!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Woo are a wyld and khrazy khatboy!


SophieKitty said...

Harley, you're such a daredevil! You crack me up.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

How scary! I think that Harley should stay down from there!

Quill and Greyson said...

Torn between laughing and feeling sorry for you.

Online Printing said...

Well guess Harley knows that there's a soft bed in case he want to land. I don't like Harley landing on my head either.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Our old apartment had half-walls throughout and Pooh Bear used them as an elevated limited-access highway!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack would never be able to balance up there, or even get up there for that matter. I could, and I would be graceful. Better tell Harley to watch it!

Hitesh Rawat said...

ladies and gentlemen......

daredevil harley for you....

woo hoo....\,,,/

Christine said...

We have a tall bookcase on Mike's (aka the Daddy Hoomin) side of the bed. He uses one of the lower shelves as a nightstand. Anyhoo, Junior, who is about as big and heavy a man-cat as Harley, used to like to hang out on the very top of the bookcase. The only problem is that when he wanted to jump down, he always did it on the bed side, and would land with a big THUD on Mike while he was sleeping. And then Mike would wake up and go AAAAAARRRRGGHHH!

We finally ended up putting stuff on top of that bookcase, piled all the way up to the ceiling, so there was no room for Junior or any other kitteh to get up there and then jump down and land on Mike (or sometimes, me).

Rebecca said...


But it would DRIVE me NUTS!!!

Ooo Daisy, I didn't know you got flung off by the fan!! Very sad. I hope you are fully recovered.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Do yoo think the seeling fan will chop him up into little peeses?

Maureen said...

Yikes! Harley you are brave!!! Lookout below!

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