Friday, November 13, 2009

Let's Go Camping!

Look at the MANLY tent I just got! It is made of CAMOUFLAGE material. If you cannot SEE me, that is why.
And the BEST accessory for my CAMOUFLAGE tent is a CAMOUFLAGE HAT! I look like a REAL hunter and camper.
And to show how COOL I am, I will wear my hat SIDEWAYS.
Hey, BEBBEH! Does ANYBUDDY want to go CAMPING with me?
Okay, now I am feeling SHY.

ps: Here is a new merchandise I got to add to Daisy's store. It is a pet bowl featuring ME! I am wearing a CHEF'S cap. I am a good SPOKESCAT for dinnertime.


88 Notes for Daisy:

Christine said...

Harley, dude, you need to practice a bit more, because I can see you!

But once you are better practiced with this camouflage thing, it would be really good for your SpyCat endeavours! It would be much easier to be a SpyCat if no one could see you spying!

Love the new food dish, too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

How could any girl cat possibly refuse an invitation from you, Harley?!

Mouchois said...

Harley, you're SUPER adorable! I love your shy moment.

Teddy Westlife said...

I would join you in the tent Harley but I can't see you in there!

Hitesh Rawat said...

Yes General Harley......

watever you shld wear it sideway.....

and yes...girls like men in must be flattering all of chicks today......

i say go take a walk with the uniform...


Unknown said...

Don't be shy Harley. You are looking very macho in you camoflauge

Sparkle said...

Harley looks like he's be loads of fun as a camping companion! I just hope we wouldn't have to hide from anyone, since the green camping gear doesn't camouflage his cool cow-cat fur!

Poppy Q said...

Harley, you sure look ready for some outdoors living. Dude, I hope your folks let you camp out sometime.

Ann said...

as Harley i would love to go camping with you. Those are some awesome pictures of you, and may I say you look super cool in camo.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Lookin good, Harley!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I'll be right over! The camo will be purfect for my calico colours!!

Purrs Banshee

Cat with a Garden said...

How sweet you are, Harley. I think I could even sleep outside the tent with all my floof floofing up for Winter...
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Get ready, Harley -- a man cat in camo has to be irresistible to the lady cats... you might not have enough room in that tent for all of them!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's a good job you told us you were in your tent Harley. We would never have seen you in your camouflage otherwise.

Forever Foster said...

You look like my daddy, Harley:) Maybe you could go camping in your backyard!

The Florida Furkids said...

Harley? are you there? Oh wait...we see you now in your cool hat!! We're going to go check out Daisy's store.

Sniffie and the Floria Furkids

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

That was an extremely manly post, Harley. Love your hat and your tent!

Angel Simba said...

That is a GREAT tent and hat and you look so manly in them. However I think you need some black and white camouflage stuff to really be invisible :-)

Your new food bowl looks like a winner for the store.

Forty Paws said...

Harley, you are such a little luf-bug!

Luf, Us

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley, that is awesome camo stuff!!! Have you convinced Daisy to try it out yet?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof!Where are you going camping? I'll go with you. Visit my blog and I have an award for you. Lots of Golden Thanks to your friendship. Woof! Sugar

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'll be right over! You look awfully cute in your camping gear!

marg said...

Harley you are getting really good at posing. Love your camouflage,you are almost hidden. Love the hat. And the dish is fantastic. We might have to get one of those.

The Creek Cats said...

Harley, for some reason we can't see you today!

JD at I Do Things said...

No need to feel shy, Harley. You are a very MANLY cat, and I think you'll have no problem getting some company in that tent of yours.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Harley, your black and white furs do not make you invisible against the khaki colours. However, when you put your hat on your head is camouflaged anyway.

You look very mancatly in that hat. Good choice!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are going to have to go by Daisy's store and check out all the neat merchandise.

You looks cute in the tent Harley. ~S,S,C & F

Cory said...

Harley...we got our sleeping bags packed and we're ready to go camping!

Anonymous said...

Harley that is a very cool tent and hat! I'm sure anycat would be glad to go camping with you.

Dma said...

great outfit harley. hope some bebeh takes you up on your offer.

The Island Cats said...

We love your tent, Harley! Now you got a spot to hang out...either with other mancats (like an mancave) or with the lady cats!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

harley did you know while you are camping you might be able to go fishing!!!

smiles, auntie bee

Milo and Alfie said...

Harely yoour camouflage kit is amazing ~ we could barely see yoo. Can we come camping wiv yoo please?

Unknown said...

Hay Harley with your hat sideways like that I'm waiting for you to spit some rhymes. Yo, Yo, Yo, my name is Harley --

One Cats Nip said...

The ladycats are swooning!!

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

we can go on a manly camping trip at the beach and go fishing. that is what my daddy does sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Harley, you're so, I mean MANLY in your tent!

Anonymous said...

You sure look like a true outdoorsmancat! And, Pandora says she'd LOVE to come camping with you!

Anonymous said...

I love you being shy Harley...

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Youza amewsing me by trying to get Catoflauged! Keepza purracticing Daisy!

Nomi said...

I'll come camping with you Harley. I haven't been camping before so you will have to teach me all about this 'kamoflage' thing !

Sharkbytes said...

Harley- That is a great camping set. I am always ready to go camping. Can you hike 10 miles a day?

Anonymous said...

We like your shy look, and your new supper dish with the chef hat. Our favorite is the tiny underpants on your head...We bet the Hallmark people would like it too!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Very nice tent, Harley.
Wonder how many of us could get in with you?
~ Gracie

The Furry Kids said...

Harley? Harley are you in that tent? I can't see you! All I see is camouflage. hee hee

Happy Weekend!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Nice tent. You look like a real hunk! I'll go camping with you!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Harley? Where are you? All I see is jungle shadows!

Raymond and Busby said...

Harley, you are one rugged adventure cat! You are like Grizzly Adams with four legs.

Very cool tent. Purrs, Busby and Raymond

Shaggy and Scout said...

Your very own tent, not a pink hand me down from Daisy!! Have fun Harley!

Puglette said...

harley, i love your tent! camping is so much fun. we're ready when you are!

i beati said...

I see a modeling job at Bass Pro Shops sandy

GLOGIRLY said...

Harley, camouflage is definitely YOUR color! You know how to work it in front of the camera. I bet Daisy is thinking your hot!

Donna said...

I is so proud of u, Harley. I wish I could go campin. :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That camo is doing a great job, but winter camo would do an even better one! We think you look very handsome in your camo hat....and you are reminding Meowm of all the great guys she met last weekend.

Meghann said...

What a cool kitty tent! I should get one for my parents' cats :)

The Crew said...

Wow, what a great tent! You're well camouflaged there, Harley.

Joanne Olivieri said...

I just cannot stop laughing. This blog is my daily dose of smiles.

Ariel said...

You look very handsome in your camouflage Harley.

VetTech said...

I just love Harley! Congrats on the store too...the calendar looks amazing!

brokenteepee said...

Harley, I think you need COWAFLAGE in order to be effectively hidden.

Just sayin'

Sara Katt said...

Oh, Harley.....
I would be delighted to go camping with you!
Sara Cat

Amy & the house of cats said...

Harley you look super cute with all your camo gear!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Harley, I almost did not see you in your tent. I would love to go camping, but I have a lot of luggage (blankies), is that a problem?

Happy Friday

Uncle Bobby said...

Wow Harley, You have a real chef's hat on, m'boy! Looking great on that food dish. You'll sell lots of them.

Uncle Bobby
P.S. Really good job on your modeling. Should do a book or magazine of you and Daisy, soon.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats quite a tent ya haf Harley! An we love the hat too... Are ya gonna go campin OUTSIDE?

BeadedTail said...

You are quite the Mancat Harley! Are you going to ruff it in your backyard with your new tent?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'll go camping wif yoo! We'll bring da fishing poles.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Hmmmm. I can still see you. I think you need desert camouflage. You are adorable when you're shy!
~Lisa Co9T

Anonymous said...

Harley, you were camouflaged so well we almost did not see you. But... your eyes... they are SO hard to miss!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ready fur a hike with me Harley?


Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

I love your tent!! You look great with your hat sideways, too :)

Liss said...

love the cap, love the tent, love everything!

Buggys said...

Really cute dinner bowl...if only I had a catto go with it.


Harley camping with you would be a lot of fun!


Kathy said...

Oh, Harley. I love you so much. I'd be your bebbeh any day of the week. Smoochies!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Harley - that looks like a great camping set up!

Charlemagne and Tamar

Two French Bulldogs said...

Now that is hysterical!
Benny & Lily

Your Daily Cute said...

You are one cool cat, Harley! Not many man-cats have hats to match their caves!

Anonymous said...

Be careful camping, Harley. There just may be teddy bears out there in the pretend woods.

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Wow Harley, you look handsome there! The cap really suits you!
How cool is that? Yo Yo wazzup!!! Ehehe (lol)

Alex & Lolo

The Fitness Diva said...

Harley, you are just so cute and adorable that it's ridiculous!!

Who wouldn't want to go camping with such a cute, charming, smart mancat such as yourself?

I can see all the little girlycats lining up to accompany you right now.
Daisy and your Mommie will soon be having to beat them off with a stick!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Harley it's good you won a cute award earlier this year because you certainly are the cutest cat at times! Have fun camping out with your new gear.

Misha said...

Maybe if the photos were in black and white the camouflage would work better?!

Karen Jo said...

You look very manly in your camouflage tent and cap. No need to be shy. Daisy, thank you so much for telling me about the cat nutrition book. I will order it right away. I live in a small town with only two vets and Herman has been seeing the better of the two, so I will continue with that vet. I intend to set up an appointment to discuss Herman's needs as soon as he gets settled in.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Harley, sorry I missed this yesterday but I was busy getting things ready for the road trip - to Florida! You looked very manly in your camo gear.

Asta said...

Daisy and Hawley
I'm sowwy I've been bad about visiting..It's been a vewy stwessful week
Hawley, you look amazing in youw camoo flag cap and I'd love to join you on a camping expedition..I hope I blend in
smoochie kisses

Skeezix the Cat said...

Harley, yoo look good in camo geer. Why don't yoo go hide in the camo tent and give Daisy bak her blog!

Maureen said...

AW, you are darling Harley!!!

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