Modeling for Cats: Behind the Scenes!
I already wore this outfit before, but I am wearing it again today to show you behind the scenes of one of my modeling sessions! Sometimes I get comments from peoples who think it is "mean" to make me model. I decided to make a movie so you could see that I am having fun and purring while I model. Here is the finished picture from the photo-shoot:

If you biggify this picture, you can see that I was drooling even more than usual because I got treats AND scritches!

ps: Harley just found out that he was one of the winners of Catster's Buzzin' Into Spring Contest with this picture. Good job, Harley Quinn! And congratulations to all the winners. It was a very cool contest.

81 Notes for Daisy:
I can't believe how still you sat during your modeling session, Daisy! That was quite impressive. I'm the opposite - my human says I fidget like I've got ants in my fluffy pantaloons.
Some hoomins are mean, they don't understand that your Mommeh would NEVER be mean to you and Harley! You indeed look very happy, so don't listen to those mean hoomins! Your friends know better than to believe any of that POOP!
And concatulations to Harley on his big win! he does look so cute in that hat!
We wish that all kitties got to have a mommeh who is as mean as yours is, Daisy. If you're safe, happy and having fun, which you obviously are, it doesn't need to be justified to anyone.
I think that the meanies do not understand that you are the bestest cat model in the world Miss D. You look fabulous and are a fashion icon - we love your Friday fashions.
Keep up the good work sweetie!! You are a star!!
Oah Daisy~!
You are the best modeling girl cat ever!
Daisy it's always been obvious to us that you are happy and relaxed during your modelling sessions. Your Mum gets it totally right, lots of treats, short sessions and scritches too. Some humans just don't recognise the signs of a happy cat!
Whicky Wuudler
Oh Daisy,
Can your Mommy visit us and be mean to us, too? We wants treats and skritches and praise...we might even put on an outfit for that!
We loved hearing you purring you lil' heart out...sweet!
Yoo are a really good model Daisy, and alla yoor outfits look so cute on yoo!
I have to show this video to my feline sisters. They never sit still and it drives me (an old dog) crazy.
Your pal, Pip
Wow, Daisy, you could show the human supermodels a thing or five about being good, behaved ladies. You rock! And, if your mommy is mean, she can come over and be mean any time she wants! MOL!
Your Mommeh is are a good girl!! We loved hearing you purr!
ConCatulations to Harley!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Good modeling tips I'm so amazed that you are so very still and oriented to the camera..
Daisy, you are the best. We love the paw up especially. We all know that you enjoy the modeling. Even without the treats, look at all the treats your are getting.
And Harley congrats to you on winning that contest. We love that picture of you with that silly hat on.
Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and we hope Mommeh gets an extra day off.
i loved your movie daisy! you are really having fun i know, and concatulations harley on the win! way to go honey!
smiles, auntie bee
you are my favorite drooling model.
congrats to harley.
Daisy, I loved your movie..I love ALL of your movies..and I did see that crystal droplet on your little mouth!
You and Harley smile better than anyone I have ever seen.
My cats would agree, Daisy. It is never mean if you are getting snacks and scratches!
Concatulations to Harley!! That was a great pic.
To anyone who thinks Daisy's mom is mean: PFFFTTTT. No one forces a cat to do anything. They cooperate because they want to. Clearly, you know nothing at all about cats. It's also clear that Daisy & Harley's mom is a terrific mom who loves her cats very much.
well now miss daisy, i saw a nice model getting a lot of love and treats, not too mean......
You seem to be having a good time, so I see nothing wrong with your modeling. A professional, like you, always knows how to conduct herself properly.
Please send my congrats to Harley! I always look forward to his adventures. :)
Daisy, I'm pretty sure your Mommeh loves you and Harley way too much to have you guys do anything you don't like to do. I'm guessing that you think modeling for a few minutes is well worth it, especially when you get paid in scritches!
Daisy, I think you always look thrilled to be modeling! We are impressed that you and your Mommeh do that so much--we do not think it is mean at all--I think you would let your Mommeh know if you hated it!
Megumi here, (using Meowmy's account)
That's pretty much like out modeling sessions. Lots of treats and petties.
Tolerating hats can be hard though. Seimei (little bro) can do it, but I just can't not even for the biggest treat in the world.
Meowmy is also VERY fast with the camera, and lets me see the view screen to approve of all shots.
Seimei though, doesn't quite seem to get "photography", Meowmy tries to show him the view screen and he's like "whut? Huh?"
Meowmy says it's kind of unusual for cats to like to look at photos of themselves. (She says most don't seem to recognize that the kitty in the photo is them!)
Daisy you are a very patient cat. My daughter walked in while I was watching your video and now has decided that our cat can be a model too. Thankfully she has no claws on her front paws.
That was really very sweet. And yup, Harley rocks!
Daisy, you are the ultimate in fashion for little kitties and thanks for taking us behind the scenes. You should be so proud of your bro too. Congrats!!! Harley :)
You were born to model my dear!
Concats to Harley!
I know my kitties love my attention, no matter what we are doing. I can tell you from experience that if the cat doesn't want to do it, they aren't going to! I'd put Hobbes in clothes, but it is hard to find a Husky XXX in cat clothes.
Thanks for taking us behind the scenes Daisy. And obviously unlike some models you do NOT have an eating disorder! (MOL!)
Concats to Harley! We hope you all have a great weekend!
Anyone who believes you having to model is mean, has apparently never seen you preen over all of the wardrobe hanging in your closet! Ha!
How ridiculous of those humans to think that your mommy could ever be mean to you! They are probably the same kind of humans who think cats dumped out on the street when they become "inconvenient" can take care of themselves because they are "animals." Stoopid people!
Congratulations to Harley!! He has the most adorable smile in that photo! :~) My Emily Felicity won third place in "Bee-in with my best friend!" Whoo hoo!
daisy, your mommeh is right, you are such a pretty girl! i love the behind the scenes look at your modeling sessions. you look like you are having a nice time with your mom and you are both having fun.
harley is always a winner to me!
have a good weekend,
Wow, great movie! I did hear your purring and saw the happy skritches as evidence of non-abuse. People have so many other things they could be worrying about, no? Anyway the outfit is adorable and so are you - work it girl! Lookin' good. Fashion Friday is so much fun. Congrats to brotherman on his pawsome job with his special smile. He's such a total cutie and that photo is just off the charts!!
You are such a good model Daisy. My miewmie wanted to give you scritches when she biggified your picture. Your little purr is a delight. You are one very contented cat and is it any wonder with such an indulgent mommy.
We know that your Mom would not be mean to you or Harley! WE can hear your purring in your modeling session! Congratulations to Harley!
Supermodels get a lot of criticism in the press, Daisy...They are just jealous of your booty, I mean beauty!
Anyone who thinks that your mom is mean does not know the expression about "herding cats". Everyone who has ever lived with a cat knows that you can't make a cat do anything they don't want to do. You obviously love modeling and all the perks that go with it.
My mom rescued me from the streets one very cold winter day. Though I will be forever grateful to her, I only do what I want to do when I feel like doing it. After all, I'm a cat!
That was a wonderful video Daisy really gave us insight into your career!
You are a true professional Miss Daisy! We thinks your mommy is the awesomeest (cept our mommy.)
We not can understand why peoples would say things they not really knows about. If you were upset you certainly wouldn't be sitting there like that... Just try to makes us kitties do something we don't want to do!
Daisy, don't you or your mommy lets those people worry you.
Have a great weekend Daisy and Harley
Daisy, you are a pro! Even if you do drool just a little ;)
Daisy, you're just gorgeous! And Harley! Dude! Concats, man! And I love that picture-you're smiling!
Miss Daisy's Mommeh-You don't have to prove anything to ANYBODY. We all know you and we all know Daisy and we all know CATS! Mean people are sad.
Congratulations to Harley for winning the contest with his cute picture! Daisy, we know a lot of kitties don't enjoy dressing up, but we can always tell you enjoy your photo shoots and that your Mommeh makes sure it is a fun experience for you.
I 'specially love how you both have big smiles on your faces...... you know where those treats are!
poor Mommeh.... with a cheap-o video recorder... hahahhah...... oh, dear you are funny Daisy........
Yeah, you look really distressed...NOT! You look so cute in action, I hope your mommeh makes more movies of your modeling shoots!
Concats Harley!!
My jaw dropped when mommeh said sit and you did! I've NEVER, in all my years having and loving cats, seen a cat sit on command!
Very pretty and oh so good, Daisy :)
Aw, Daisy, you ARE a pretty girl! Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look. I have to say... you are much more cooperative than Pimp. ;)
Knowing cats the way I do I know that if you did not want to model you would not model...
Daisy the only thing we think about modeling that distresses you is that you don't get to do it more often! We have always known you love to model - it is always obvious in your pictures that you are a happy girl who is having a great time! Anyone who thinks differently is crazy and just doesn't understand anything about cats!
And wow Harley how cool it is that you won - but of course you look so adorable how could you not win! Congrats!!
That video was SO adorable, Daisy! Your Mummy is so good to keep praising you during your modeling sessions. No wonder you love it so much!!!
Congratulations to Harley!
Daisy, we could always tell that you are a very happy kitty and we know your mommeh loves you very much so wouldn't make you do something mean. Some people are just silly.
Concatulations to Harley for his win!
Oh Daisy what a treat to get to see you work. You do look like you enjoy ever bit of it.
congratulations to Harley on his big win.
Hi, Daisy!
I know you enjoy your modeling time!
And if you add treats and scritches.... much better, right?
Congratulations to Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Oh for heaven's sake, people are idiots. Your both great!
I likes ur pikshers. They are very cute. :)
Daisy, you are such a good model. We can tell you love modeling very much.
Tavi, Cody and Gracie
Huge congratulashuns to dear little Harley ~ he is ALWAYS a winner to us though!
And Daisy, we know yoo love modelling and yoo are very good at it. Don't listen to the negative commenters ~ wot do they know?!?
Have a happy 4th July guys ~ we love yoo!
good to see you in action Daisy.
We loved seeing your behind the scenes video and CONCATULATION to Harley on winning - he deserved it because he looked bee-utiful in his hat.
You are the purrfect model, Miss Daisy, and I think it looks like fun to be a movie star too! My mom loves to dress me up in bow ties and t-shirts (and I love it too) but I've never been in a movie before! Do you have an agent who helps you get movie gigs?
Did you know that my brother, Buster, is going to be interviewed by Scout the Dog soon? I know it's kinda crazy fur a dog to interview a cat but Buster has the chops fur it...but I'd rather be a supermodel and movie star instead.
xoxo...Henry the Tabby
Hooray for Harley!
Oh riiiight kitty abuse.
Daisy, it is quite funny that some people think dressing up your kitty is abusive. I can think of some things that are abusive: how about letting your kitty run free in the neighborhood? How about not getting your kitty a vet check every year? How about feeding your kitty cheap no quality kitty foods that were on sale at the dollar store?
I for one, know that you and Harley are deeply loved and well cared for. Playing dress ups is fun! Mom put my Christmas shirt on Miles last night and he was jumping around like a kangaroo. Mom was worried that he would hurt himself so even though they were laughing hysterically they only let his go bonkers for about 20 seconds, then they removed the shirt.
I love the movie. You are such a sweet girl!
Wishing you a fun, safe and well fed holiday.
Yeah I saw that you had fun while shooting your fashion modeling.
I work for treats and belly rubs too.
Congrats to Harley Quinn for winning the cool contest!
4 paws up to you!
Wow Daisy! Thank you for that wonderful movie of you behind the scenes! We just adore your pictures! You are always so lovely!
Also congratulations to Harley for the win! He is so handsome!
You are such a good model Daisy and we know that if you didnt like it your mommeh wouldn't have you do it :)
Daisy, we can tell by your face that you love to model. But we still like those 'behind the scenes' peeks! And a big ole CONGRATULATIONS to Harley!!
I yam tinkin' dats modelin' iz a good jobby. Espeshully if I could eatsez all da treetsez I wanted.
I yam not sure how you keep your girlish figggure, buts you looks like a kitten!!!
Dr Tweety
I don't think that modeling is for everycat, but it's plain to see that your mum makes it a fun, happy time for you and Harley.
she's such a sweetie ;)
oh DaisyCakes, i hears your soft purrs! how sweet!!! you has a lovely purr. (concats to Harley and his bee hat, heehee...!)
Daisy your an excellent model.So elegant and always stylish.Congratulations to Harley :)
I thinks a bit of drool jest adds a bit of shine to yer lovelyness!
Yer pal Dozer
hi daisy! we have decided to start posting again! check out our blogs :)
i am posting again... look at my blog to see what happened
Daisy darling (and sweet Harley too) I know you enjoy your modeling and I hoe to see your sweet self as often as you want to show off your new outfits.Purrs and lickies,
The Admiral
Happy 4th of July Daisy, Harley and family!!
Your TX furiends,
Wow, Daisy! Treats AND scritches! Those meanie commenters must not have read much of your bloggie - they would know that your Mommeh would never make you do anything you didn't like (other than trips to the v-e-t and ewww, nailclipping). hee hee
Congratulations to Harley, too!
Ignore the mean comments... you and Harley have the bestest mommeh in the world!!!!! Congrats to Harley too!
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