Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

Since my Mommie will not be home for a few more days, I decided to make my comic this week all by myself. This is how I imagine the reunion with my Mommie will be. I hope my imagination is correct.

ps: Mommie, do you like how I made you look all skinny?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Photo Hunters: Beautiful

The Photo Hunters theme this week is beautiful. My Mommie helped me with this before she went away to Wyoming. She picked this picture because she likes to look at me when I am sound asleep like this. I think I look boring!
My most beautiful outfit is my Skeezix LeChat original dress! It was designed especially for me, and I love it the best. See, it makes my arms look very long and slender, and it hides my big squishy round belly. I'll bet that hardly anybuddy has a dress with a picture of their special friend right on the front! I am very lucky.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Fashion Friday: My Lizard Suit!

Since my Mommie is gone, this is my big chance to wear my Lizard Suit. I got this suit last Halloween, but my Mommie said it is too small for me. But I really, really, really want to wear it. I think I can squeeze into the suit if I try real hard.
Hmm. Maybe it is just a little bit too small. The back legs are on my waist! And I do not enjoy having the lizard hand in my face.
I should have listened to my Mommie. The Lizard Suit is No Good. Rats.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

For Your Entertainment

First, I would like to say thank you to everybuddy for your very, very kind and thoughtful words about the loss of my Mommie's grandmother. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Here is a video I made way back in December 2006, when my blog was brand new. I think hardly anybuddy ever saw it. That might be a good thing, because I was not very good at being in movies back then. But I was having fun! If you cannot view the video, click HERE for a direct link.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some Sad News

My Mommie had some very sad news. Her Grandma passed away. She was 90 years old.
Here is a photo from the last time she visited her Grandma in Wyoming. My Mommie told me that her Grandma was very proud that she just had her fingernails manicured. Can you see the picture of Pixie on the wall behind her?
Here is a photo of her from the 1940s. I think she looked pretty.
My great-Grandma loved cats, and had many cats during her lifetime. Here are Gus and Peanut. They went to the Rainbow Bridge many years ago. Now they are reunited.
My Mommie is going away for a while to attend the funeral in Wyoming and visit with family. I am also very sad about that. But I have something planned to post every day while she is gone, so I hope you will visit with me if you have time.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tips on Tuesday: About Manners

Having good manners is very important. Like, always raising your hand before speaking out in class. Mr. Shrill has very bad manners. But his twin brother, Mr. Swell, has learned good manners! I have helped Mr. Shrill and Mr. Swell prepare this demonstration about manners!
Mr. Swell always chews his candy with his mouth shut. He only takes small bites, and he says "Thank you" for the candy.
Mr. Shrill takes large bites, chews with his mouth open, and smears chocolate all over! Sometimes he touches the furniture with his chocolate-covered hands. He is a mess!
Mr. Swell is always in a good mood. He likes to smile and be nice.
Mr. Shrill frowns and complains all the time. Sometimes he even says bad words!
Mr. Swell knows that he should always use a tissue when he has to sneeze or blow his nose.
Mr. Shrill scratches his face and picks at his nose when it itches. And he never washes his hands.
I hope you learned a lot so you can be more like Mr. Swell than Mr. Shrill!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Key West is for Cats

I told you last week that my Mommie and Daddie went to Key West and left me and Pixie at home. Well I got to look through their pictures, and I am very sad that I did not get to go! I will show you some of the pictures I found. First, here is where they stayed: it is called The Gardens Hotel. They stayed in that room on the upper left.
Then, they got to tour the Hemingway Home! Many, many cats live there, and they are descendents of the cats kept by Ernest Hemingway. Here is a calico cat.
This cat is a polydactyl! He has extra toes. I think that is very cute. The Hemingway Home is famous for their polydactyl cats. Here is link to the Hemingway Home Cat Cam if you would like to watch the cats live.
This is the most famous cat drinking-fountain in the world! Hemingway had it built especially for his cats. The top is made from an old Spanish olive jar brought from Cuba. The trough part is made from a URINAL that came from the famous bar called Sloppy Joe's. Hahahaha!
This cat is one of the oldest cats who live at the Hemingway home. I think he is going to take a bath.
Here is a photo from the cat graveyard. Nippy was borned in 1957! I guess he liked to bite. Just like me.
My Mommie and Daddie walked down to the Southernmost Point. Sorry there is no photo of the concrete marker. Hey, Mommie! Do not fall in!
And I cannot believe it, but they went to Mallory Square for the Sunset Celebration and saw the famous Circus Cats!
This cat made a little mistake, because he was supposed to jump through the hoop. I would like to learn this trick. See, the man's shirt is all clawed up! I do not know why all these people are looking away from the cats.
This cat jumped through a circle of FLAMES! But he did not get burned. The other cat is just taking a break on the tightrope.
I think the cats enjoyed performing. I want to become a real Circus Cat!
Next time, I am going to ask if I can go to Key West, too!

Today is Mo Appreciation Day!

I am very glad we are friends, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

The moral of this comic is that you should always play nicely.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photo Hunters: Wrinkled

The Photo Hunters theme this week is wrinkled. At first, I thought of showing a picture of the wrinkles on my Mommie's face, but she did not smile big when I suggested that. So here are some other things: I like to play with tissue paper until it is a wrinkled mess!
This is my big sister, Pixie. She has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. She also has almost no furs on her undercarriage! See? She is all wrinkled!
Um, Pixie? I am sorry to tell you this, but you might need to wear a bra.
Pixie said she is very proud of her wrinkles!


Friday, August 22, 2008

Fashion Friday: My Straw Hat

I have mentioned before that hats are very, very hard to wear. I am trying my best to model this summer-time straw hat, but it is a little bit too big for my little head. It has a very large brim to keep the sun off my face.
Here is my best pose!
Unlike my special friend Skeezix, who is a fashion icon, I do not know how to wear sunglasses. So I decided I would try my hardest to wear them on my hat in a very fashionable style. This made my hat so heavy I could barely hold my head up! See, my tongue is sticking out because I am concentrating so hard.
Next I decided to try wearing just the sunglasses on top of my head. It did not feel enjoyable, so I am not smiling very good.
Here I am taking a break after the photo shoot. Even while I am relaxing, I am giving those bad sunglasses a very, very hard look.
My fashion advice is that it is easier to wear small hats with chin-straps. Big hats are No Good.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Taking food from the rat's mouth

This is one of my extra-special toys. Can you see what is on the inside? FOODS! When you roll the toy around, food comes right out of the rat's mouth. (I must say here that I have some very nice rat friends, and I like rats a lot).
I am thinking hard here. Is eating this food like stealing it right from the rat's mouth? Will the rat go hungry? Is it the same as eating BOMIT?! Should I have to work for my foods?
I am pretending not to notice the foods while I figure this out...
Nom, nom, nom, nom. This tastes delicious!
My new rule: eat first, think later.

ps: I think my Mommie will be getting back from Key West sometime today!

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