Sunday, December 31, 2006

I am going to put on my boogie shoes!

I hope everyone has a very fun New Year's Eve and stays safe and sane. Or if you want to get a little bit insane, which I might do, you should stay inside and do not drive. I am busy picking out my party hat for when I stop by the party at the Hot(M)BC Bloggy. I can't wait - I am going to party like it's 1999 (even though I wasn't borned then). I might have to take a nap this afternoon so I can stay up past my bedtime tonight. Maybe I will see you at the party!


Saturday, December 30, 2006

Here is my SKELETON!

I am a little bit sick. I got rocks inside me!

First I started to go in and out of my litter box, and there was blood! I had to take a very bad medicine called "Clavamox". I did not like it, but I took it anyway. Then, I got sick again while I was still taking this medicine. Next, I had to take something called Zeniquin. Since I am so little I only had to take 1/8 of a pill each day. My Mommie put them in Pill Pockets, so I did not mind them. Now, after I finished my medicine, I am sick again! I had to go back to the doctor's office to see why I keep getting sick. I do not like it there.

This is me waiting in my carrier. I tried to be brave, but I started shivering a little, and my feet got all hot and sweaty! You can see the folder with notes all about me. It is called a "chart." I think it must say some things like "Daisy is a very beautiful and nice girl." I did see where it said that I was bright and alert - I wonder how they know I am bright? I did not take an IQ test there.

Look, you can see my skeleton! I found out that I have STONES in my bladder. Now I get to eat a special kind of prescription stinky goodness called "Hill's S/D" to try to dissolve the stones. It tastes good. If this does not work to dissolve the stones in a month, then I will have surgery where they will remove them. I do not know what surgery is, but I do not think it is good. Do you think I have a cute skeleton?

I do not feel very sick, and I am still havin' fun and horsing around as much as usual, so having rocks inside me is not too bad (so far).


Friday, December 29, 2006

Frootbat Friday

I would like to say this is me making a gigantic ROOOOAAAARRRR! But I cannot lie. I am just making a yawn. Sometimes when you yawn, it is nice to really s-t-r-e-t-c-h back yer ears.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thursday Thirteen edition #2

My BIG New Year's Resolution is to be a nicer cat. Here are the 13 ways I will do that:

1. I will always keep my claws IN when I am playing
2. I will not tease Pixie. As much.
3. My teeth are to be used just for food and flea-pickin', no biting! (note from Daisy's Mommie: she is an indoor cat and has no fleas; she just likes to do that picking thing with her little teeth)
4. I will not be so envious of Skeezix's great wardrobe. (This one will be hard)
5. I will only do rabbit kicks on my toys, not on beans or other cats (sorry, Pixie)
6. I will stop trying to steal licks from Mommie's ice cream bars; after all, she always lets me lick the stick when she is done!
7. I will stop begging for new toys, because I already have a toybox full of toys I do not use
8. I will not be a squirmy-wormy when my Mommie cleans my ears or cuts my nails
9. I will be more careful in the litter box so I do not track bad things all over the house
10. I will not play with the mail, or lick the adhesive on the backs of envelopes before they are used
11. I will not cry to go up on high places where I am afraid to jump down
12. I will share my toys with Pixie. This one will also be very hard.
13. I will not play with lizards. Ok, I will play gently with the lizards. Ok, Ok, I will probably play rough with them, but if their tails fall off, I will try to glue them back on after.

PS: I am learning that it is very hard to turn over a new leaf. I have already broken 3 of my resolutions. I will not tell which ones though. (Sorry, Pixie).


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Water woes!

There is a BIG PROBLEM with the water in my house. The hot water heater sprung a leak on Friday, and there has been no hot water since then! The repair-man said the water heater must be replaced, but because of the holiday weekend, the repair cannot be done until today. So, it has been cold showers every morning since Friday. This makes Mommie crabby in the morning. I tried to show her how you can take a bath with just your tongue, but Mommie did not want to even try this. I do not care about the water heater, because I do not need hot water. My Mommie still turns on the faucet for me so I can have a drink. That is the important thing.

PS: Notice my great ear control? I can make just one little ear fold so my ears do not touch the faucet!


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas at a cat rescue shelter

Yesterday, we started Christmas a little bit late because my Mommie was helping at the cat rescue shelter in the morning. I did not mind because those cats are very nice, and they do not have their own famblies yet. To celebrate the holiday, they got to eat food called Thanksgiving Day Dinner by Merrick. It is very good Stinky Goodness, and all the cats liked it, but I think what they really, really wanted for Christmas was their very own forever home.

Here is a picture of one of the great cats at the shelter. His name is Laurel. He has a brudder named Hardy, but I do not think they know any comedy routines. He is a very, very nice cat. He is just waiting for someone to take him home!

These are even more cats havin' fun on Christmas day. Look, the black cat on top is trying to get the calico cat! heh heh heh...

Here is another cat who must live at the shelter. Her name is Baby. I like her very much. She had a very hard life, and almost died! She was less than 4 pounds when she was rescued, and her sister died. She was my foster sister and lived at my house for a couple of months. I know you will not believe this, but I even gave her a couple of my toys. It is true! Baby would really like to have a regular home.

If you are in the south Florida area, and you would like to adopt any of these great cats, or make a little donation, you can find them here at Cats Exclusive. Just tell 'em Daisy the Curly Cat sent you!


Monday, December 25, 2006

I had FUN today!

Here I am with one of my favorite new Christmas toys. It is a squirrel! And it has catnip on the inside. It is from my sister Pixie. I love it!
Look, someone got me this book, all about Bad Cats. I do not know why anyone would give this to me.....
Pixie tried to take the squirrel toy from me. I am about to take it back. It is my toy. I hope everycat had a great Christmas, and got very many toys!


It's Christmas Day!

I am very, very, very busy today opening presents and playing with my new toys, so I will write more later. I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 24, 2006

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

I keep seeing all these Christmas pictures where it is snowing. I wish I could have snow. My Mommie said that I should not hold my breath. It is supposed to be 81 degrees tomorrow, and raining! I can still close my eyes tight and dream of snow. That is not my main Christmas dream, but it is one of them.
Merry Christmas Everybody!


Saturday, December 23, 2006

My big sister Pixie

Here is my big sister Pixie. She is eleven years old. Don't tell her, but I think she needs to wear a (whispers: bra). She does not like to play, but I still tease her sometimes even though Mommie says "Daisy, No No!" when I get too rough. She got something called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. She has had this for about 6 years now, and she must take FOUR medicines every day. Here is what her medicine bottles say: Enalapril, Dilacor, Spironalactone, Plavix. She is very brave to take the medicines, and she swallows them right down, which I would not do. Pixie used to be very cute like me, but since she got sick and doesn't play anymore, she has lost her girlish figure. Also, she has not much fur left on her undercarriage and neck, so she's all wrinkly-like now. And, guess what? She likes to eat BANANAS! You can see a video of her eating them on the very bottom of my blog.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Frootbat Friday

I am enjoying some special Stinky Goodness that I don't usually get to have. It is my reward (Mommie calls it a "bribe") for taking my medicine. I must eat it on the counter so Pixie cannot get any, because she is not allowed. Here are some tips I have learned: It is very important to pull back your frootbat ears when eating to avoid any chance of dirtying them with the Stinky Goodness. Also, closing your eyes helps you to really savor the Goodness.

The fuzzy fur at the base of my ears is very, very soft!


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday Thirteen edition #1

13 things I would like to know about lizards:

1. How do lizards get into my house?
2. How can I get more of them to come in?
3. Why do their tails fall off when I play with 'em?
4. Will the LIZARD grow a new TAIL?
5. Will the TAIL grow a new LIZARD?
6. Which came first, the lizard or the egg?
7. Why doesn't Pixie play with lizards?
8. Can I have a lizard as a pet?
9. Can I teach him to walk on a little leash?
10. Where are their ears?
11. How can I do the trick where I hyp-no-tize them?
12. Can I make a lizard-skin collar from them? (just the bad ones)
13. Mommie, can I get a library card so I can learn more about lizards? Please?

Note from Daisy's Mommie: Daisy cannot get a library card because she does not have a driver's license or any other valid FL identification - yet. Also, Daisy is exaggerating the size of the lizards here - they are actually small and brownish, but she liked the photo above.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I like to get high - and why I should just say NO

For some reason, I have a very strong need to climb - the higher the better. The problem? After I climb up, I am often too afraid to jump down. I love the bedroom closet because there are lots of shelves to help me climb all the way to the top. Once I am up there, I can't be coaxed down with food or anything. My Mommie has to get a little step-stool to get me down.

The kitchen cupboards I am on in this photo are too high for me to get up on by myself. Here is my trick: I will cry and cry, and scratch at the cabinet doors, for a LONG time until finally someone helps me up just to quiet me down. Once up there, I walk all around, look down on everyone, and I also like to roll around up there which makes Mommie SCARED. Then I wait until my Mommie gets me down, which is usually way before I am ready to come down.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More about my home

I live in south Florida where it is almost always sunny and warm. I love to look out the window and watch all of the funny birds and lizards. Here I am on the lookout for lizards. Once in a while the little ones get into the house and I play with them; sometimes their tails fall off (gack!). Mommie always takes the lizards away from me and puts them outside - that is no fun.
Sometimes a really big lizard will swim out of the water in my backyard, and climb onto the grass. Mommie calls these "alligators." No one is to go outside when an alligator is there, even in their stroller. I like to play with lizards, but I would not play with an alligator. Here is one from my very own backyard. He is real!
Sometimes we will get a hurricane. I do not like them. When a hurricane is on it's way, my Daddie and Mommie must put hurricane shutters on every window. Then the house is very dark inside, even during the day. We were very lucky this year, and no hurricanes came. Here is what it looks like in my neighborhood after a little hurricane comes nearby:


Monday, December 18, 2006

Hi everyone!

This is my brand-new blog. I am very new to all of this, so I hope everyone is patient with my first efforts. I have been very, very busy getting ready for Catmas. There are many presents under the tree; I think they might be all for me. Well, maybe one could be for Pixie.


Friday, December 1, 2006

Entrecat Blogroll

Entrecat Blogroll


The Pink Ladies Membership List

Lucy from Artsy Catsy
Katie (Icon Baxter Bentley's little sister)
Kaia & Stella (from the Meezer gang)
DaisyMae Maus
Lilly & Iris
Willow and China Cat
The Bad Kitty Cat girls: Maggie, Riot, Jezebel, Bukowski and Nico
Kat 3 and Sara
Miss Tiger Woods
Abbie & Emily Stephens
Hot(M)BC girls: Boni Maroni, Sanjee, Mini, Gree
Marilyn MonREOW
Marie the Defender and Casey
Miss Peach
Lucy and Trixie
Maggy & Zoey
Summer, Spats and Sassy
Alexi, Mallory, Annie, Tatyana, Molly and Veronica
Sukie, Livvie, Mitzi
Lil Mia
Pinky & Boo
Cocoa avec une Guimauve
Huffle Mawson
Keiko and Pricilla
Queen Bailee

Bonnie Underfoot

PINK LADY SUPPORTERS (the Ladies love you!)
Angel Icon Baxter Bentley
Eliot & Percy Stephens
Zed Monster
Rocky (Angie & S'more's brother)

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